A bodyguard named Abhimanyu Nag protects Nandini and her daughter Rimi from a terrorist leader seeking revenge for the capture of one of his commanders, resulting in Abhimanyu befriending the family but ultimately sacrificing his life to save Rimi. Abhimanyu is a 2006 Indian Bengali-language Action Drama motion picture featuring Mithun Chakraborty, Oindrila Sen, Tapas Paul, Rajatava Dutta, Debashree Roy, Jisshu Sengupta and Imran Nazim. Abhimanyu was Produced by Pooja Kapoor. Abhimanyu is written by N.k. Salil and Swapan Saha and it is directed by Swapan Saha. Abhimanyu was released on 2nd August 2006. Editing was done by Suresh Urs. The music was composed by Ashok Bhadra.
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Abhimanyu Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 40%
The trouble shooter always on silver screen stands very strongly with Abhimanyu. ( Read More )