Aashirwad is a 1968 Bollywood film that explores the dynamics and interactions within a wealthy Indian family living in Chandanpur, emphasizing the importance of family bonds and portraying the hard work and prosperity of its patriarch, Shivnath Choudhary. Aashirwad is a 1968 Indian Hindi-language Family Drama film starring Ashok Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Sumita Sanyal, Ashok Kumar Ganguly, Veena Kumari, Sajjan and Rajni Sharma. Aashirwad was Produced by Hrishikesh Mukherjee and N. C. Sippy. Aashirwad is written by Anil Ghosh, Gulzar Kalra, Hrishikesh Mukherjee, Story: Anil Ghosh and Dialogue: Gulzar and it is directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee. Aashirwad was released on 9th March 2019 and takes a screen time of 146 minutes. Cinematography was done by T.B. Seetaram and editing by Hrishikesh Mukherjee. The music was composed by Vasant Desai along with Gulzar.
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