After his father mysteriously disappears, a young boy named Shanu enters a magical school, befriends others, and must rescue his father from an imprisoned principal before engaging in a magical battle, ultimately becoming the guardian of a wand that eventually disappears, leaving the story open for a potential sequel. Aabra Ka Daabra is a 2004 Indian Hindi-language Fantasy film featuring Naveen Bawa, Satish Kaushik, Hansika Motwani, Anupam Kher, Krrishna, Vishal Lalwani and Razak Khan. Creative Eye Studios in association with Namah Shivay Enterprises. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Zuby Kochhar. Aabra Ka Daabra is written by Himesh Reshammiya and Raghuveer Shekhawat and it is directed by Dheeraj Kumar. Star India acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Aabra Ka Daabra was released on 1st January 2004. The film made a box office gross of ₹1 crore. Cinematography was done by Ajay Tandon and editing by Ballu Saluja. The music was composed by IIFA Award winner Himesh Reshammiya.
Jini Score 3.1/10
Rating 2.4/10
Jini Score 3.1%
Rating 2.4
Aabra Ka Daabra Watch Online
Date01 JAN 2004
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