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8 Remains Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Positive Review Rating : 25%
Noel Murray
Indie Rights) Advertisement A handful of experienced character actors get a brighter spotlight than usual in Texas Cotton, a feather light small town crime dramedy that gets too caught up its own remedial mystery plot. ( Read More )
Bobby LePire
The thriller 8 Remains strives to hit that same mix of vivid characterizations, emotional depth, captivating mystery, with just enough outlandish elements to spring it to wondrous life. ( Read More )
Douglas Davidson
Despite solid direction and a grounding performance from the lead, 8 Remains possesses too many ideas and relies too heavily on metaphor to create the powerful story of self agency and rebirth it clearly wants to be. ( Read More )
Marie Asner
From the beginning of the film, with the setting of a country manor house and antique furnishings to drab rooms to pastoral settings to a kitchen, the audience is caught up with the where or when or ever will there be an answer. ( Read More )