Tim DuBois


Grove, Oklahoma, USA

Tim DuBois (born May 4, 1948 in Southwest City, Missouri) is a Nashville, Tennessee-based music executive. He attended Oklahoma State University and received a B.A. and M.A. in Accounting and in 2016 he was awarded an honorary PHD in Accounting. He then entered into the music business and has taken part in multiple aspects of the industry including songwriting, record labels, management, and production. DuBois has been recognized for numerous honors and awards for his contributions to the music industry.
Tim DuBois (born May 4, 1948 in Southwest City, Missouri) is a Nashville, Tennessee-based music executive. He attended Oklahoma State University and received a B.A. and M.A. in Accounting and in 2016 he was awarded an honorary PHD in Accounting. He then entered into the music business and has taken part in multiple aspects of the industry including songwriting, record labels, management, and production. DuBois has been recognized for numerous honors and awards for his contributions to the music industry.

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