Shannon Collis

Shannon Collis


Lawrence, Kansas, USA

Shannon Collis (born April 26, 1986) is an American actress. Collis was born in Lawrence, Kansas. She began acting at a young age, appearing on several television series, including Oliver Beene and The O'Keefes, along with films like Inherent Vice. She is mostly known for her role as Lindsay Adams in the popular show Darcy's Wild Life. Collis enjoys ice skating and swimming. She has three siblings, Michaela, Genna and Richard, all much younger than her.
Shannon Collis (born April 26, 1986) is an American actress. Collis was born in Lawrence, Kansas. She began acting at a young age, appearing on several television series, including Oliver Beene and The O'Keefes, along with films like Inherent Vice. She is mostly known for her role as Lindsay Adams in the popular show Darcy's Wild Life. Collis enjoys ice skating and swimming. She has three siblings, Michaela, Genna and Richard, all much younger than her.

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