Shaira Luna

Shaira Luna


Shaira Ana Teresiana Luna (born September 20, 1986) is a Filipina photographer. She, among others, was known as a "gifted child" and a "Promil kid", having been featured in Wyeth's infant formula ad in 1995. Luna is currently a fashion and advertising photographer represented by the international creative talent agency Jed Root Manila, founded by American businessman Jed Root in 1989.
Shaira Ana Teresiana Luna (born September 20, 1986) is a Filipina photographer. She, among others, was known as a "gifted child" and a "Promil kid", having been featured in Wyeth's infant formula ad in 1995. Luna is currently a fashion and advertising photographer represented by the international creative talent agency Jed Root Manila, founded by American businessman Jed Root in 1989.

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