


Ranjani is a Carnatic raga, which is also sometimes written as Ranjini. This raga is a janya of the 59th Melakarta raga Dharmavati. It is an asymmetric pentatonic scale, which is pleasing and has been more popular in last 50 years. It figures in ragamalikas, slokams, vrittams and light popular songs, as it is a pleasing scale.
Ranjani is a Carnatic raga, which is also sometimes written as Ranjini. This raga is a janya of the 59th Melakarta raga Dharmavati. It is an asymmetric pentatonic scale, which is pleasing and has been more popular in last 50 years. It figures in ragamalikas, slokams, vrittams and light popular songs, as it is a pleasing scale.

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