

Amit is a common male name, in India and Israel. Amit (अमित, অমিত) originates from the Sanskrit word (अमित:), meaning infinite or boundless. (अमित:) essentially is the negation of (मित), which means "to measure" In Hebrew, Amit (עמית) means friend. The word appears in the Bible in a context suggesting such a meaning. However, Even-Shoshan dictionary suggests a Roman source (esp. French: Ami). Though traditionally a common male name in India, it is being increasingly used as a female name in Israel. Nevertheless, it is still among the most popular names given to Jewish boys in Israel.
Amit is a common male name, in India and Israel. Amit (अमित, অমিত) originates from the Sanskrit word (अमित:), meaning infinite or boundless. (अमित:) essentially is the negation of (मित), which means "to measure" In Hebrew, Amit (עמית) means friend. The word appears in the Bible in a context suggesting such a meaning. However, Even-Shoshan dictionary suggests a Roman source (esp. French: Ami). Though traditionally a common male name in India, it is being increasingly used as a female name in Israel. Nevertheless, it is still among the most popular names given to Jewish boys in Israel.